Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is Power Happiness?

P.S (pre script) how much I tell myself.. writing soppy articles about relationships is so not what I'm supposed to do! I need to get real... but Yeah! What the hell! This is pretty relevant okay!

Was watching this movie 'Ghosts of my Girlfriends Past' when this amazingly true line about relationships caught both my friend's and my attention.
 "Power in all relationships always lies with whoever cares less"

Now that totally struck a cord. I don't know why i always felt and I'd like to still believe that I've cared a lot and tried very hard to make things work. And a broken heart after a failed attempt always wanted to say something on the lines of all-men-are-dogs, never-love-again, never-remember-dates-in-a-relationship-and-make-the-guy-feel-unimportant et cetera et cetera.... but this line just amassed all those vague wanna-be-statements-of-wisdom and gave a clear picture. Its true! Didn't it always seem like the other one cared so much less from the side of the lake you were standing??!!

For a brief amount of time, we did get carried away by the oh-so-typical-chick-flick-plot! We caught the bait! So the line actually impacted us very much.

However, at the ending, in the part where everything's getting fixed after a mess we thought we'd never recover from, Bam! he proposes a toast- he says
        "but power isn't happiness! And May be, Happiness comes from caring more about people                          rather than less" 

And I thought that was beautiful, that was genius! I have to confess, (may be I'm naive but) i never thought of any of it in that way.
Its is true that true happiness lies in the joy of giving, being thoughtful about small things and leaving those little notes on the fridge, fixing those little hiccups of day whatever they are, making that one phone call in a busy day to tell that you do remember.
Its beautiful and makes me happy. And I am gonna keep trying for whoever it is, to care more, because at the end of the day, when you ask yourself Is Power Happiness? you get the answer....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm Sorry! I Can't Love You Back

u have that perfect smile like the morning sun
makes me feel like i have a purpose, i have a day
u have the correct words, like a voice in my head
giving me exactly what i want to hear, exactly what i want
u have the magic i need to stop me from crying
when i feel like crying is the only way out
u have the strength to swallow my anger,
when my rage sets out to destroy everything
u have all those beautiful meticulous plans
orchestrated to sweep me off my feet
u have that eye for detail and an eye for mine too
i know you'd love every present i'd make for you
u, from where i stand, seem like the perfect one for me
all my friends have the same thing to say
but sometimes, and what a pity sometimes,
your perfectness is something i just did not want
you were just not the one i was looking for
its just not enough that your so perfect,
its just not enough that you love me,
and its so sad that the one i love or atlease think i do
cant ever be all these things i wanted him to be
can never love me as much as i do, as much as u do!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Found My God!

The giant leap of Faith, I couldn't seem to take yet.
so many missing answers, more questions piling in my head.
Religion and Rules defined ways to be
but believer or not, the line wasn't defined for me.
Of science and reason, we speak trying to explain what is fair
yet, in dark times, we cut deals asking Him to answer our prayers

The stories were all so beautiful,  the grandeur and the mystic,
sometimes a moral at the ending, and sometimes just fantastic ,
but never did they inspire me enough, to believe in religion, that God had a face,
to believe that spirituality was in the rituals, and was sufficient to find his Grace,
It was not the face of God that I needed, but just some Faith in Him
to fight mockery and questions in the self contradicting times we live in 

In a quest I was, searching for reasons to push me towards Him,
for answers to my Why's, in every little thing my search would begin
and So I found a realization, an answer within
a path to make peace with myself, a side in me shall now win.
and I found it in the way I moved, I found it in the way I felt,
that this dance was going to be the bridge to my soul, under the carping pelt

beyond my relentless effort, after the physical activity that only brought sweat
by body began to give away to the delight of this dance, paying back my debt
As my face began to unfold with Bhavam
And my body began to sway to the Raagam
As my feet moved to the Taalam,
The strength and grace I felt in my Natyam
There was a void of nothing-ness I felt within
yet a single dot of concentration grew in

understanding life, its vastness and nuances
telling stories, old, new and magnificent
understanding that I can be so beautiful and strong
and depict white and black as right and wrong
I find myself at the threshold of a vast space, a beginning of a day
a long journey it is, a lot to achieve but at least I know my way
I can clearly see, that I found what makes me happy, I found the facade
I found what what I want to keep doing, I found my God...